

This site is owned by Flori’s Pizza. This Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about our practices regarding collection, use, and disclosure of information that you may provide via this site. Please be sure to read this entire Privacy Policy before using or submitting information to this site.


By using this site, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Whenever you submit information via this site, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


In general, you can visit this Web site without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Our web servers collect the domain names, not the e-mail addresses, of visitors.

Floris’s may collect personal information from you including your first and last name, address, telephone and mobile number(s), email address, credit card details and any other information, when you knowingly provide us with this information. This will generally occur when you either:

  • Visit Online ordering site to place order.
  • Enter into a competition or promotion.
  • Participate in a survey.
  • Subscribe to our mailing list.
  • Apply for a job.
  • Request information regarding our Franchise system.
  • Submit website feedback.


Where ever Floris’s collects personal information about you from someone else, Floris’s or the franchisee will take reasonable steps to advise you.


By using this site, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Whenever you submit information via this site, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Except as otherwise stated, we may use information collected via this site to improve the content of our site, to customize the site to your preferences, to communicate information to you (if you have requested it), and for any other purpose specified.

  • To process any job application you may submit.
  • To provide you with any restaurant or promotion information you may request.
  • To process any online ordering.
  • To determine the number of visitors to our websites and conduct reviews of our sites.
  • To fulfill prizes, awards and purchases.
  • To respond to specific requests from visitors.
  • To keep you informed about any changes to our websites.
  • To conduct marketing research.

And to now and again send you offers or information on products or services that we consider will be of interest to you.

Further information on how we use your personal information when using our Internet ordering system.

When using the Floris’s Pizza internet ordering system additional information is collected when you order a pizza online. This information assists in the delivery to your door and to verify your credit card payment. The internet order system also stores information about your order to help you remember and re-order the same menu in future.


Floris’s does not store any of your credit card details.


Floris’s may share statistics and personal information within its group of Companies including its subsidiaries, affiliates, joint venture partners and its current brands and all future brands

Third Party Disclosure

Floris’s may share statistics and personal information between themselves and with companies that are related to Floris’s including our international branches. Personal information that you submit to Floris’s may be disclosed to a third party: Such as our suppliers, as mailing houses, who are employed to provide some of our services such; to meet the purpose for which it was submitted.

  • if you have provided your express consent to share the information.
  • if Floris’s are required or authorized by law to disclose the information.
  • if your personal information is collected in connection with a joint promoter, to that joint promoter for marketing and research purposes.
  • if Floris’s feel you might like to know about a third party’s goods and services we may supply that personal information to that third party. (We know that many of our guests enjoy receiving these excellent offers).


Floris’s will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information collected is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You can access and request correction of any personal information concerning you at any time. You may also request that your personal information be deleted at any time. Any such requests should be made directly by contacting us. Floris’s will take reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.

Sensitive Information

Floris’s will not collect, use or disclose sensitive information except with your specific consent.

Click stream Data

Each time you visit the Floris’s site our server collects some anonymous information, known as click-stream data, including the type of browser and system you are using; the address of the site you have come from and move to after your visit; the date and time of your visit; and your server’s IP address. Floris’s may collect this information for statistical purposes to find out how the websites is used and navigated, including the number of hits, the frequency and duration of visits, most popular session times. Floris’s may use this information to evaluate and improve the Floris’s websites.


A Cookie is a piece of information that our web server may send to your machine when you visit a Floris’s site. A Cookie helps us to recognize you when you re-visit our sites and to co-ordinate your access to different pages on the sites. For example, once you have placed a new pizza order you may be offered the opportunity to personalize your order so that the system remembers it for future use. A cookie will be set on your machine that enables us to recognize your computer when you return to order your favorite pizza next time. With most Internet Browsers, you can erase Cookies from your computer hard drive, block all Cookies, or receive a warning before a Cookie is stored. If you want to do this, refer to your Browser instructions or help screen to learn more. If you disable all cookies, you may not be able to take advantage of all the features of our sites


If this Privacy Policy is changed, the revised policy will be posted on this site. Please check back periodically, and especially before you provide any personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy was last updated on Sep 25 2024.

Contact Us

Address: 189 Walsgrave Rd, Coventry CV2 4HH

Hours:   Saturday        2pm-12am
                Sunday           2pm-12am
                Monday         2pm-12am
                Tuesday         2pm-12am
                Wednesday   2pm-12am
                Thursday       2pm-12am
                Friday            2pm-12am

Help Line Phone: 024 7792 3434

Email Id: support@florispizza.co.uk